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Transcript Request Forms - please read transcript information below

Transcript Information
Each site has transcript request forms and procedures for requesting transcripts. Please follow the process below: 

Transcripts should be obtained from the specific school site. 

1. Tracy High School - 209-830-3360, ext 2030 - Lisa McMahon, 
To request an official transcript from TRACY HIGH SCHOOL: REQUEST TRANSCRIPT HERECreate an account and request the official transcript.

2. West High School - 209-830-3370, ext 3031- Edna Riddle, 
To request an official transcript from WEST HIGH SCHOOL: REQUEST TRANSCRIPT HERE. Create an account and request the official transcript.

3. Kimball High School – 209-832-6600, ext 4031 - Ananiese Vela-Telles,
To request an official transcript from KIMBALL HIGH SCHOOL : REQUEST TRANSCRIPT HERE Create an account and request the official transcript

4. Duncan Russell - 209-830-3395 –  Transcripts before 2007 please contact Stein High School: 209-830-3395
Shirley Pellegri. Transcripts were done by hand and were not always entered into the TUSD electronic system.
Anyone needing a Duncan Russell transcript after 2007, will need to contact the school site. Shirley Pellegri
5. Stein High School – 209-830-3395 – Shirley Pellegri
To request an official transcript from STEIN HIGH SCHOOL, download and complete the transcript request form.

Mail the request and money order to: 
Stein High School
650 W 10th Street
Tracy, CA 95376
6. Tracy Adult School – 209-830-3384
Transcripts for Adult school can only be obtained from Adult School.