In the Spotlight
At Tracy Unified School District, we are proud of our students and staff. Please take a moment to read through the learning activities and exciting events below!
Each week, we will be highlighting a TUSD video from our YouTube Channel. Check it out and subscribe today! @TracyUnifiedSD
This week's video is an overview of the Career Technical Education Classes offered at Tracy High School!
Art Freiler School
Students in Mrs. Crotts Kinder class are developing their fine motor skills as they practice the letters in their names
Freiler students having fun at their back-to-school dance last Friday, September 6!
Tracy Charter School
Our TYAP students learning some kitchen skills… and cooking up some goodies!
Our Tracy Charter School 2nd and 3rd graders sharing their directed draw pictures!
Monte Vista Middle School
Ms. Aurandt and Mrs. Azevedo’s classes playing a physical game of rock, paper, scissors.
Villalovoz Elementary
Our new library technician Miss Belle is jumping right in keeping the Villalovoz library a happy place for our pandas!
Poet-Christian School
Poet students learned about respect, responsibility, trust, kindness, teamwork, and
fairness during the BMX assembly this week.
West High School
ELL students collaborate in analyzing Physics vectors
Southwest Park Elementary
SWP students and staff participated in the first school spirit week of the year.
North School
Students collaborate with our Library Tech and B&G Club staff after school, as they partake in fun literacy-based activities to learn how to become a Librarian through collaborative conversations, the playing of Bingo games, being part of a Reader’s Theater & more.
Kimball High School
Kimball's Marching Band got their new uniforms!
McKinley Elementary
McKinley Kindergarten students got a visit from the Fire Department!
Jacobson Elementary
Jacobson staff showing of their school spirit on Friday spirit day!! Make sure to wear your JES School Spirit EVERY Friday!
Tracy High School
Tracy High School teachers love their students. Teachers came out to support the Flag Football team this week.
George Kelly School
4th grade students completing their morning meetings outside as a grade level!
8th grade students completing an engineering challenge during their energy unit!
8th grade winners from PE’s Olympics unit!
Hirsch Elementary
Central Elementary
5th grade students in D.A.R.E. had a special guest and got to pet Tracy PD's Service Dog.
Williams Middle School
Jersey day at WMS…supporting their favorite teams!
Bohn Elementary
It's Book Fair time at Bohn. Come shop all next week!!
Alternative Education
Stein High School
DR students building community together while making chip salad during break.
Stein Physical Science students studied chemical reactions while making ice cream in class.