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In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight with 2 lights shining


At Tracy Unified School District, we are proud of our students and staff.
Please take a moment to read through the learning activities and exciting events below! 



CONGRATULATIONS to our Employees of the Winter Term 2024-2025 who were honored at the January 28th board meeting:


James Tiffany:
(9-12) Kimball High School, Social Science

Ajinderjit Hundal:
(6-8) Williams Middle School, Math

Alejandra Herrera:
(K-5) Bohn School, Teacher Librarian


Jacqui Nott:
Bohn School, Principal


Etelvina Parsons :
Stein High School (9-12,) Attendance Clerk

Frank Galli:
(6-8) MOT, HVAC Specialist

Alejandra Medina:
(K-5) North School, Parent Liaison

North School 
North School 3rd grade students enjoyed spending an amazing day in an 1876 style one-room school, where they read from readers, wrote in cursive and spent time answering questions, eating picnic style, singing songs and learning a variety of games.

1876 classroom day
1876 classroom day


Central Elementary
Central School enjoyed the EcoHero Assembly exploring ways to protect
our planet!

student assembly
student assembly


Poet-Christian School
Mrs. Gonzales and Mrs. Yoshi’s
class working together on a STEM activity to promote critical thinking and team building.

STEM activity


Alternative Education
Stein High School
Stein students really enjoyed the TEP Talk presented by the Valley link Project.  Students received great information about STEM related jobs of the future.

students at TEP talk

Stein’s 2nd Quarter Award ceremony celebrated excellence in subject areas, perfect attendance, highest credit earner, Students of the Quarter, and Most Improved in Attendance and in Academics.  Congratulations to all our Q2 Award winners.

award ceremony


McKinley Elementary
Mrs. Prestia's class had so much fun celebrating their 100th day of school! Amongst other activities, students had the most fun trying to make a pyramid out of 100 solo cups!

100th day of school
100th day of school


Southwest Park Elementary
Students and parents had fun and got creative during SWP’s Craft Night. 

families at craft night
families at craft night


Tracy Charter School and
TYAP Program
Ms. Berg’s TYAP students love
getting their exercise by dancing and playing basketball.

TYAP students playing bball and dancing
TYAP students playing bball and dancing


West High School
Catherine Petersen is recognized for FFA American Degree.

catherine petersen


Art Freiler School
4th grade Students in Mrs. Gardner’s class constructing snowflakes using points, lines, line segments, and rays.

making snowflakes for math lesson


Monte Vista Middle School
MVMS students honored for exiting
 EL program

EL program awards


Hirsch Elementary
 Parents, staff, and students at the HES Winter Dance. 

students at winter dance
students at winter dance


Jacobson Elementary
Ms. Masuda's class learning how to do internet research with Mr. Jenkins!

students learning the internet


Villalovoz Elementary
Mrs. Gualco’s 2nd grade class having fun learning about erosion with a hands-on experience.

students learning about erosion
students learning about erosion


Bohn Elementary
Bohn thanks the City of Tracy for sponsoring our Eco Hero assembly
this week!

student assembly


Kimball High School
Our seniors Mackwin And Freyja did amazing at the Rotary Speech Contest! Freya placed 3rd and Mackwin placed 1st and will be moving onto the area contest while also winning
scholarship money! 

speech contest winners


Tracy High School
THS Fire Service students training with chainsaws by ‘recycling’ Christmas trees. If you look carefully, you will see a student crawling out of a simulated ‘tunnel of debris’ in full gear. These kids work hard every day!

fire science training


Williams Middle School
Mrs. Hundal was honored at the board meeting as TUSD’s 6-8 Certificated Employee of the Winter Term.

Ms. Hundal and Dr. Pecot - employee of the term


George Kelly School
Mrs. Pytlik’s class built a DNA model using Twizzlers to represent the sugar-phosphate backbone and colored marshmallows as nucleotide bases reinforcing their understanding of DNA’s structure and function.

dna project
dna project