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In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight with 2 lights shining


At Tracy Unified School District, we are proud of our students and staff.
Please take a moment to read through the learning activities and exciting events below! 



Congratulations to the first batch of FAA-certified Drone Pilots from
Kimball High School! A total of 24 students passed the
challenging exam, which has a 50% pass rate for non-pilots, and are now qualified to enter the rapidly growing drone pilot job market,
with an average salary of $129,202 annually in California.

SouthWest Park Student Receives
Every Student Succeeding Award at SJCOE

SouthWest Park Elementar School proudly announces that our 5th-grade student, Gulsom Rahmati received the Every Student Succeeding Award at the SJCOE. She was the only one selected from our school district!

Gulsom moved with her family from Pakistan and arrived to SWP at the beginning of 3rd grade.  With her hard work and dedication along with our school resources and support, she is thriving socially and academically.

Gulsom Rahmati ESSA


Central Elementary
Central School enjoyed the EcoHero Assembly exploring ways to protect
our planet!

student assembly
student assembly


Alternative Education
Stein High School
DR Students used cars and rubber bands to investigate motion in
science class.

cars in motion

Stein Physical Science students loved their robotics unit and the kits that they made for their class.

robotics kit


North School 
Last weekend, TUSD held their Honor Band Performance at the Grand Theater, North School teacher, Mr. Leonard
and many of our students participated in the event.

band performance


Poet-Christian School
Mrs. Gonzales and Mrs. Yoshi’s
class working together on a STEM activity to promote critical thinking and team building.

STEM activity


Southwest Park Elementary
Kids did heart maps after
hearing "Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch", and learned about Lincoln with "Abe Lincoln:The Boy Who Loved Books".

abe lincoln lesson
abe lincoln lesson


Tracy Charter School and
TYAP Program
Ms. Berg’s TYAP students love
getting their exercise by dancing and playing basketball.

TYAP students playing bball and dancing
TYAP students playing bball and dancing


West High School
This was the first time West went undefeated in Varsity Boys, Varsity Girls, and JV Boys. The Varsity Boys and Girls each won the TCAL League Title. The last time West Wrestling won a league title was back in 2012, when I was on the team. Both Tracy and West were undefeated going into this night and the winner decided the League Champion.
West won 43-33.



Art Freiler School
4th grade Students in Mrs. Gardner’s class constructing snowflakes using points, lines, line segments, and rays.

making snowflakes for math lesson


Monte Vista Middle School
MVMS students engaged at the SJCOE Peer to Peer Conference

peer to peer conference


Hirsch Elementary
HES family STEM night. Future engineers in action! 

stem night
HES family STEM night. Future engineers in action!


Jacobson Elementary
Ms. Neverson's class working on their balance beams for STEM

making  balance beams


Villalovoz Elementary
Mrs. Gualco’s 2nd grade class having fun learning about erosion with a hands-on experience.

students learning about erosion
students learning about erosion


McKinley Elementary
We had an awesome turnout for our Great Kindness Challenge Week kick-off, the kids loved it!

Great Kindness Challenge Week
Great Kindness Challenge Week


Kimball High School
Our seniors Mackwin And Freyja did amazing at the Rotary Speech Contest! Freya placed 3rd and Mackwin placed 1st and will be moving onto the area contest while also winning
scholarship money! 

speech contest winners


Tracy High School
Congratulations to the THS Women’s Soccer Program. Varsity clinched their 13th straight playoff appearance this week while the JV team just won the 18th out of the last 20 league championships! How about those Bulldogs!?!

soccer program


Williams Middle School
Students created rubber band powered cars from cereal boxes and CDs 

students testing rubber band cars


George Kelly School
Ms. Abad’s TK students participated
in a STEM activity as "boxitects," building structures with boxes! This hands-on activity connected to their letter of the week, X.



Bohn Elementary
Kindergarteners at Bohn practice coding using our KIBO robotics kits!

practicing coding
practicing coding